June Field

The World’s Greatest Psychic

Saturday 5th April - 7.30PM

"June Field was born in Dundee, Scotland with a rare ability to connect with Spirit. She works in a totally unique and engaging way which never fails to amaze and comfort anyone who visits or watches her at work. June was born with the gift of sight and over the years has finely honed and sharpened her Psychic Skills to allow her to heal and comfort those who have lost loved ones through physical death.

June and Spirit work together to connect on a Spiritual Bridge from this world to the next that allows loved ones to cross over and visit for a short time to give those who are grieving evidence that life inevitably does go on"

*June Field gained the title of "Worlds Greatest Psychic" after participating in and winning "International Battle of the Psychics" where over 70,000 Psychic Mediums from all over the world took part. The competition was televised and aired to over 34 millions viewers and June secured her title by taking over 54% of the overall votes.

Tickets are sold through June's website. Click the button below to buy tickets…